As Joe, K3TYE, exclaimed in his 2023 Year End Message, RST had a great 2023, with 196 members! Wow! Below is a breakdown of the membership by license class, and by interest area. If you have not renewed your membership for 2024, why not go visit the “Join RST” page and take care of it now!? There is a lot of experience, and a wide range of ham interests represented by the RST membership. Make that New Year resolution to attend the general meetings and operate more this year! Best wishes to all for another great year for RST!
Harold, W6IWI, our RST Treasurer, has streamlined the membership application/renewal process which can be found on the “Join RST” page. Note that the “Member Interest Form” is now available online, and you can update your member interests at any time, just visit the form and fill it out online.
Membership by License Class
Note: This is based on membership applications that were still available. If you have changed class since joining RST, you can fill out a new online “Membership Application Form” and let us know your correct class. You can also use the “RST Membership Search” tool to see what class you have listed in the RST membership database.

Members Interest Areas
Note: The data below is a from the old paper forms and represents input from only 75, or 38%, of the 196 members. Hopefully we will get a higher percentage of completed interest forms with the on-line process.

Write-in Interest Areas
These 19 write-in interest areas were also received.
- I have a DMR but need a Elmer to help me with code plugs
- Space station
- US Navy (RET), monitoring various communications and electronic signals
- Echolink
- Computer interfaces
- Heavy metal RTTY, hardware/software design
- Old stuff, restoration
- Repair, Troubleshooting
- Too new to say!
- rag chewing
- POTA, CW, Swap Meets
- I’m not too sure at this point I have a lot to learn
- To learn as much as I can, studying for tech and gen and extra
- Yaesu System Fusion
- Requesting information on how to synch my midland 2m radios for repeaters
- IRLP on Tucson repeaters
Reported by: N7NBV, Ken