
Six-Meter Open Repeaters
Output MHzInput MHzTone (Hz)/ AccessModeCallsignLocationStatusOwner/Comment
51.8651.36100FMK6PYPSaguaro National Park EastUpK6PYP
53.0452.04141.3FMK6PYPMt. LemmonUpK6PYP
53.7252.72136.5FMKA7LFXMt. LemmonDownKA7LFX Storm Damage

53.72 is back on the air.

147.410 is K7TUS and sponsored by Mount Lemmon Radio Club.

146.7/146.1 PL 127.3 at Saguaro National Park – East with sponsor Mount Lemmon Radio Club.

445.9 has callsign K7TUS and sponsor Mount Lemmon Radio Club.

448.25/443.25 PL 100.0 on Mount Lemmon with sponsor Mount Lemmon Radio Club. It’s linked to the 441.1 machine.

927.05 and 927.975 are linked. 927.975 now has callsign and sponsor N7HND.

Two-Meter Open Repeaters
Output MHzInput MHzTone (Hz)/ AccessModeCallsignLocationStatusOwner/Comment
145.270144.670107.2FMWE7GVGreen ValleyUpGreen Valley ARC
145.290144.690107.2FMWE7GVElephant HeadUpGreen Valley ARC
145.330144.730127.3FMKA7LVXNear Park Place MallUpKA7LVX
145.370144.770131.8FMK6PYPHigh LocationUpK6PYP
147.410146.410DSTARDSTARK7RST ->
K7TUS on 8/19
Mt. LemmonUpRST Odd Offset
145.450144.850NoneFMW7IBMRita RanchUpTucson IBM ARC
146.620146.020156.7FMW7AIKeystone PeakUpOro Valley ARC
146.800146.200CallsignC4FM (Yaesu Fusion)WN7BSASaquaro National Park – EastUpRST
146.880146.280110.9FMN7OEMMt. LemmonUpPima County OEM
147.300147.600110.9FMN7OEMPECOCUpPima County OEM
146.940146.340110.9FMWD7FNE TucsonUpWD7F and BART
146.960146.360127.3FMK7UAZU of AUpU of A ARC
147.000147.600110.9FMN7HND5151 E. BroadwayUpHenry Zappia N7HND
147.060147.660127.3FMKG7DNORio RicoUpKG7DNO
147.160147.760141.3FMK7EARMt. LemmonUpEAARS Linked System
147.280146.260127.3FMK7EARTucson Metro Tumamoc HillUpEAARS Linked System Offset is 1.02 MHz
147.340147.940179.9FMW7SANear Tucson Intl AirportUpCatalina Radio Club
222-MHz Band Repeaters
Output MHzInput MHzTone (Hz)/ AccessModeCallsignLocationStatusOwner/Comment
224.060222.460156.7FMKA7LFXMt. LemmonUpKA7LFX
224.500222.900156.7FMK6PYPMt. LemmonUpK6PYP
70-Centimeter Band Repeaters     
Output MHzInput MHzTone (Hz)/ AccessModeCallsignLocationStatusOwner/Comment
441.100446.100100FMK7TUSTucson MetroUpMt. Lemmon Radio Club
441.525446.525107.2FMW9FCMTucson MetroUpW9FCM
442.325447.325107.2FMK7HWGTucson MetroUpK7HWG
444.100449.100156.7FMW7AIOro Valley Police StationUpOVARC
444.925449.925DCS 023FMKB7ZZYMt. LemmonUpKB7ZZY Linked to 146.940
444.975449.975100FMKC0LLMt. LemmonUpKC0LL
445.300440.300131.8FMK6PYPSaquaro National Park – EastUpK6PYP
445.900440.900DSTARDSTARK7RSTMt. LemmonUpRST
446.850441.850127.3FMN6DBFTucson MetroUpN6DBF
447.500442.500136.5FMN7XJQTucson MetroUpN7XJQ
448.325443.325CallsignC4FMKB7ZZYCorona de TucsonUpKB7ZZY
448.550443.55110.9FMN7OEMMt. LemmonUpPima County OEM
448.775443.775179.9FMW7SATucson Intl AirportUpCatalina Radio Club
449.300444.300156.7FMN7HNDTucson Racquet ClubUpN7HND
33-Centimeter Band Repeaters
Output MHzInput MHzTone (Hz)/ AccessModeCallsignLocationStatusOwner/Comment
927.0250902.0250DCS 532FMUnknownMule Mount. BisbeeUpUnknown Linked to 900 AZ
927.0375902.0375DCS 023FMUnknownRed Mount. PatagoniaUpUnknown Linked to 900 AZ
927.0500902.0500DCS 411FMN7HNDMt. LemmonUpN7HND
927.0750902.9750218.1FMKA3IDNW. TucsonUpKA3IDN Linked to 900 AZ
927.1125902.1125DCS 432FMK6PYPSaquaro National Park EastUpK6PYP Linked to AZ 900
927.1375902.1375DCS 432FMK6PYPMt. LemmonUpK6PYP Linked to AZ 900
927.9375902.0125DCS 516FMKA3IDNMt. LemmonUpKA3IDN Linked to 900 AZ
927.9750902.9750DCS 606FMN7OEMW. TucsonUpPima County OEM

Note: The C4FM repeaters listed in the Repeater Table are connected to the internet with Wires-X and do not require any registration. A C4FM capable transceiver is required; just enter your callsign into the transceiver you are using. Additional details of the Yaesu Fusion system can be found here.

Note: The D-STAR repeaters require a registration, which can be requested here and a D-STAR capable tranceiver.