Board of Directors Meeting and General Membership Meeting
The RST Board of Directors Meeting and General Membership Meeting take place on the second Tuesday of every month at the Golden Corral, 4380 E 22nd St, Tucson, AZ. Board of Directors meets at 5:45pm. The General Meeting “meet and greet” is 6:00pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm.
For the Board of Directors meeting, we would like to limit interaction with general members in order to focus on Board business. The meeting is open to any and all club members, but we ask that visiting members please limit communication with the board at this time unless you have arranged to speak with the board prior to the meeting.
If you would like to address the Board of Directors or join RST please contact:
Joe Statkevicus K3TYE
RST President
PO Box 13603 Tucson, AZ 85732
Direct Line 520-465-3528
Email to
Contesting and Special Events (CASE) SIG provides a venue for members of RST and their friends, family, and colleagues to explore the radio sport aspect of amateur radio. RST has two contest callsigns, K7RST and AK7AZ.
RST actively supports the AZ QSO Party held in October each year.
Also, ARRL 10 Meter Contest and Winter Field Day.
For more information about RST contesting, contact Bill, N7DZ; Ken, N7NBV; Lloyd K7NX, Helen KE2BPY; or Bill, K6WSC
Days in the Park
The RST “Day in the Park” is held every 2nd and every 4th Wednesday and one Saturday a month at Reid Park in Tucson. It is an opportunity to try out your portable equipment with other ham operators around who can both learn from you and provide you with input. Normally any “special” equipment or activity will be announced at the RST meeting prior to the Day in the Park event. For dates and map check: Radio Days in the Park Current Plan.
All hams or prospective hams are invited to attend.
Meeting place:
Reid Park, Ramada #19,
900 S Randolph Way
Tucson AZ 85716
Time: 10:00 – 2:00 (approximately)
The EAARS repeater is monitored for those wishing talk-in communications (K7EAR, 147.16, input 147.76, uplink tone 141.3.)
The event is coordinated by W0PSN, Kirk.
New Ham Net
The RST weekly “New Ham Net” provides an open and encouraging opportunity for new ham operators to try out getting on the air. You do not have to be a new ham to join the net. The net discusses operating procedures, radio etiquette, and other topics of interest to new ham
This net meets every Thursday night at 8 pm local Arizona time on the N7HND repeater, 147.000 output, 147.600 input, 110.9 Hz CTCSS tone on input. This net will end around 8:30 pm local time depending on the activity.
Contact Ken N7NBV; or Joe K3TYE, for more information.
It is a fantastic opportunity to discuss RST events.
Public Service
RST provides a dedicated Liaison for coordinating Amateur Radio Support to any entity that is hosting a public service or charitable event.
David Bjorgaard, K7ACE ( is the RST Public Service Liaison.
If you as an Amateur Radio Operator are interested in supporting a Public Service/Charitable Event or you are interested in having Amateur Radio Communications support at your event, then feel free to contact David.
Some events that RST has supported include:
- 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo – contact: Jim Fisher, K7ADW (
- El Tour de Tucson – contact: David, K7ACE