This was going to be a simple outing: the antenna is already there, just bring a battery and a radio and you’re good to go, right? Then reality kicked in. The final station included the radio, logging computer, 600-watt amplifier, antenna tuner, table and canopy, chairs, drinks and snacks. Thanks to Ken N7NBV for providing all of the above and transporting it to and from the site.

We spent most of the afternoon on 20 meters, but with a good chunk of time on 15. Almost all SSB, though Bill N7DZ did do a short CW session. Most of the time we had a pileup, which was a lot of fun. In the end, 214 contacts in 38 states, in about 4.5 hours. Many of the hams on the other end of the contact showed genuine excitement to be talking to a station at the missile site and using the discone. Some were vets that shared experience with this or similar sites around the country.

So, the operation was everything we wanted it to be. Many people showed up with enthusiasm, and many had fun operating. The sky threatened rain in the morning, but it never materialized. Most of the day was sunny and warm enough.

We will be happy to do this again in the fall and maybe make it an annual outing. Thanks to all who attended, operated, and helped set up and tear down. Below are a few highlight pix.
Ken N7NBV, Bill N7DZ, Lloyd K7NX, Helen KE2BPY, John AI7AZ, and Kirk W0PSN

Reported by Bill, N7DZ
Uploded by Ana, WV3RSE