I sent a request to ARRL to include our hamfest announcement on the ARRL website. It usually takes a day or two for ARRL to respond and about a week for our announcement to appear.

Our hamfest will also be announced in the March or April QST.

Bruce WA1BZQ and I are doing most of the early planning. Thank you Bruce!

We will need a few volunteers on the day of, to sell raffle tickets and operate the RST Information table.

Kirk W0PSN has the sound system setup.



Call Sign

(Purchase amount will include an additional $0.75 service charge used to offset PayPal fees.)

(Note: PayPal allows one to use a credit/debit card to pay for things without using an actual PP account. But this is not prominent; one has to scroll down below the login and account creation controls to see the “Pay with a Credit or Debit Card” button.)

Please see the attached PDF announcement. Start the publicity and tell all you know.

Thanks, and 73 . . . Joe K3TYE
President Ex Officio

Radio Society of Tucson Spring Hamfest Announcement

8711 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson, Az 85710

Reported by Joe, K3TYE
Uploaded by Ana, WV3RSE