We had a great time, and very good score compared to our past efforts. We had 13 attendees, including 5 operators. Great to have all that interest and support.
I have to highlight our newest contest op, Helen KE2BPY. She really went from 0 to 60. Started out fearless and bold but stumbling just a little. That lasted maybe 5 minutes then she was off to the races. By the end she was holding a frequency, working the pileup, and pulling callsigns out of the weeds. She made a total of 306 QSOs and
sometimes her rate was above 100/hr. Kudos to you Helen!
A few stats:
1126 contacts across 163 multipliers (states/provinces/countries)
With double points for CW vs phone, our 1126 contacts became 3688 QSO points, and applying the multiplier, our score is a very respectful 601,144 points.
We worked all but 4 states, 10 of 14 Canadian provinces/territories, and 41 DX entities.
Very big thanks to Ken N7NBV for providing the venue and all the effort to make it work so well for us.

Reported by Bill, N7DZ
Pictures by Ken, N7NBV
Uploaded by Ana, WV3RSE