Kirk brought the club 7100 and 20m dipole antenna. I, Paul, KK7MOK, brought the trusty Kenwood TS-50 with a Wolf River vertical antenna. Lloyd brought a selection of QRP rigs that garnered a great deal of interest. And, very quick contacts were made with Death Valley and Oregon.
Attendance list:
Robert Lanier W7RFL
George Moore K7HJ
Lloyd Johnson K7NX
Paul Martinson KK7MOK
Kirk Krentzel WOPSN
David Wojtysiak KK7BKH
Gary Welch K7GLW
Steve Hartzell W6WBO
Tom Earlington AI7UP
Ron Aaberg AL7DX
Tim Michael NL7D
Dave Burtrum N0DF
Avery Davis WB4RTP
John Nichols KI7YWO

Reported by Paul, KK7MOK
Uploaded by Ana, WV3RSE