Radio Days in the Park will have a special get-together on Saturday, January 20th, 2024, from 12 pm to 4 pm at Reid Park Ramada #19.
>>>Just a little note: The Ramada is reserved from 7 am to 7 pm, come, and play as long as you like.
The weather will be beautiful! Bring your lunch, radios, antennas, questions, and your friends.
I’m bringing the Icom 7100 and LDG Z-100 plus an antenna tuner, some wire, and maybe a UNUN or two.
I would like someone to monitor the EAARS network for those who might need a little help.
>>>Directions: Reid Park, Ramada #19, is located on the northwest side of Reid Park. From 22nd Street and Country Club go north to the second right. You’ll be heading east on South Concert Place, take the first left. You’ll be heading north on Bucky Steel Drive, at the first right turn, we will be off to the right (east).
If you’re a member of another radio club, please invite them all. We would love to see them!

Reported by Kirk, W0PSN
Uploaded by Ana, WV3RSE