El Corral, 2201 E. River Rd., Tucson.
Tuesday, December 12th, 2023, 6:30 PM to roughly 9 PM. This is in place of our regular monthly meeting; there won’t be a regular meeting in December.
Food from El Corral’s dinner menu, and drink from the bar menu. Please check the menus in advance to save time! Everybody gets their own check, but there will be an automatic 18% gratuity applied to all orders due to our group’s size.
After the feast, the gift exchange will begin. Please see below for the rules.
Wear your official RST membership badge so everybody knows who you are!
You must RSVP to Bruce Betterley WA1BZQ by email at bbetterley@msn.com before Thursday, December 7th. Please don’t try to RSVP by other means. There is a maximum of 50 people allowed in our room at El Corral. Once the RSVP list is full, that’s it! No more can attend.
Gift exchange1
Marcia Burcham KF7DYW and Ana Blum WV3RSE will co-host the gift exchange.
Attendees who want to participate will leave their gift on the table and take a number. Once the exchange begins, a number is drawn at random. That person with that number takes one gift from the pile, or “steals” one gift that’s already taken, and shows the gift to everybody. This repeats until all numbers are drawn.
- You must bring a gift to participate in the exchange. You don’t have to bring a gift if you don’t want to participate.
- Please bring new gifts of roughly $25 in value. Please don’t bring gifts much cheaper or more expensive than $25; that tends to ruin the fun of the gift exchange.
- Gifts should be useful to anybody without needing much assembly, skills, or having narrow interests.
- No Baofeng radios, please.
- Alcohol is a-ok, but otherwise please consider that minors may be in attendance when choosing your gift!
- A gift can only be stolen three times; after that, the gift is frozen with whoever has it.
- In the past, we’ve called this event a “Chinese auction” or a “white elephant” gift exchange. A Chinese auction is a variant of a raffle and doesn’t resemble RST’s Christmas gift exchanges. A “white elephant” exchange describes events where deliberately useless gifts are exchanged for amusement. Since neither of these terms describe what we do, we have gone with just “gift exchange”. ↩︎

Post created by KL3PD, Jason.