Another active and “successful” Radio Days in the Park! We had 11 members and friends attend. W0PSN, Kirk brought his NanoVNA and demonstrated how to operate it, and took measurements on various antennas. Kirk also brought a “fishing pole” vertical antenna, along with various other radios.
K7NX, Lloyd brought his collection of ultra-light radios. Looking at those was enough to make a ham want to learn CW! Lloyd also tried to help a floundering N7NBV, Ken, set up a long wire antenna. The results of a “first time” use of a fishing pole and a SOTA beam mast were in accordance with Murphy’s Law, but it was a fun learning experience!
Thanks to Don for bringing pizza! And all those who attended!
Put September 27 on your calendar, grab your kit, and come on down to the next Radio Days in the Park!

- N7NBV, Ken
- KI7YWO, John
- WD6ERS, Les
- K7HJ, George
- K7NX, Lloyd
- KK7MOK, Paul
- KD7UIZ, Don
- WB4RTP, Avery
- W0PSN, Kirk
- KI4TOX, Joe with Anne
Comments to Radio Days in the Park September 13:
“LOVE THE PICTURES – hope you keep doing that.”
~Richard Schmidt aka Brass Pounder