Wow! What a Radio Days in the Park (RDP) we had today, August 23rd. Eleven RST members and friends were in attendance. We also had two visitors who are prospects for the upcoming RST Technician Radio Class starting October 5th.
Kirk W0PSN lead off the festivities by demonstrating the use of the NanoVNA by analyzing three different antennas that were also in attendance. He started by calibrating the NanoVNA using the provided precision open connector, shorted connector, and 50-ohm connector. The calibration took about 3-minutes. Next start measuring. It turns out that the NanoVNA tells more about the device under test then one would think of asking.
Next I visited with Lloyd K7NX who was showing off and demonstrating his collection of QRP Lab QCX-mini CW transceivers. He was also showing us the versatility and difference between different CW keying devices.
Finally Dennis AG7WF was showing off his Icom IC-705 battery operated all-band, all-mode QRP rig. Dennis was controlling the unit with a PC tablet or iPad connected via a Wi-Fi hotspot to the internet. He was using a rather cool DL8MRE app.
Tracy W7AWE was making contacts with his Icom IC-7300. His 7300 was modified with some really cool carrying handles. The added handles also protect the front and rear panels from damage while packing and unpacking.
Your never humble RST president Joe K3TYE was there, raffle ticket roll in hand. I sold 70 tickets ($80) for the RST autumn hamfest raffle.
Others present were Paul KK7MOK, Richard KJ7PTZ, John KI7YWO., Pete KB7ZKT, and Todd AI7PG. Avery WB4RTP also stopped by for a quick hello.
We did close up a little early, around 13:00 MST. The next Radio Days in the Park event will be September 13th.